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Middleware is a software pattern that allows you to intercept and modify the processing of messages in a chain. It is a powerful tool for customizing the behavior of a system and adding additional functionality, such as logging, retries, deadlettering, backoffs, and tracing.

In the KP library, every feature is implemented as a middleware. This means that you can add or remove features by adding or removing middlewares from the middleware chain.

Adding Middleware to the KP Library

The KP library provides a way to add middlewares to the middleware chain through the AddMiddleware

This method takes a middleware as an argument and returns a new MessageProcessor with the middleware added to the chain. Here is an example of how to use the AddMiddleware method:


package main

import (

v2 ""

type UserLoggedInEvent struct {
UserID string

func main() {
retryCount := 10
kp := v2.New[UserLoggedInEvent]("user-logged-in", getConfig()).
WithRetryOrPanic("send-login-notification-retries", retryCount).
kp.AddMiddleware(measurement.NewMeasurementMiddleware("/path/to/push-gateway", "application-name"))
tp := otel.GetTracerProvider() // you'll need to set the tracer provider as well
err := kp.Process(processUserLoggedInEvent)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // do better error handling

func processUserLoggedInEvent(ctx context.Context, message UserLoggedInEvent) error {
// here, you can focus on your business logic.
fmt.Printf("processing %v\n", message)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 200) // simulate long running process
return nil // or error

func getConfig() any {
return nil // return your config


  • Middlewares are executed in the order they are added to the chain. It is important to consider the order in which middlewares are added.
  • The KP library provides several built-in middlewares for common features, such as consuming messages, retries, deadletters, backoffs, and tracing. You can also write custom middlewares to meet your specific